So, yeah, I know. I haven't posted in almost two months. And my last posting was about recommitting myslef to the blogosphere. Well, so much for that. I have been reflecting on why I have been reluctant to post and the answer is - I dont feel like sharing that boring and mundane stuff. And that's what has been going on for the past two months. Nothing of genuine interest has occurred. I have no new observations about the difference between East and West cultures. I have no new friends who have taken me to places I wouldn't normally go. I have been sick in bed with the Bird Flu and can't experience any new stuff. Well, that last one is kind of an exageration. It wasn't the bird flu, but it felt like it. I still have a lingering cough two weeks later.
Anyway, I have been feeling a little bored and frustrated at my life here. I don't have hundreds of Chinese people calling me to hang out and teach me chinese. I don't have students who are inspiring and learning English sayings and slang quicker than a dog in an busy intersection. Get this - last weekend in Shanghai I actually received no phone calls. Which kind of made me sad. Huge city, no friends. What's wrong with me? Nobody likes me! Awww, poor Evan.
At this point I must apologize to Leigh Ann. She told me before I left for China that blogging is cool, but don't write about daily events like eating breakfast. Nobody cares. It's too mundane and self-centered. So if this posting apporoaches the level of my breakfast habits, I'm sorry. But its all I've got right now.
Looking forward, I have about one month left here in Jiaxing. For the summer, I am looking for a new job somewhere else in China - maybe out west in Sichuan or up north in Harbin. I have applied to a language school with many branches, so wherever they need me I'll go. Then I will return to NYC in September just before Sam's birthday and our anniversary. That's gonna be a good week.
A couple of weeks ago I went to the Shanghai Aquarium with friends. That was a good day. Here's a picture of Matt, Caitlin, Devon and his girlfriend.